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Ko-Shōami Tsuba

Interesting Ko-Shōami (古正阿弥) sukashi tsuba with design of a peach or momo (桃図透鐔).  Iron quality is high, with a nice grey / brown patina.  The smaller, round and relatively thick plate, coupled with a structured layout, is supportive of Ko-Shoami work.  The sukashi elements and rim are squared (kaku-mimi 角耳). The overall design also suggests possible influence of contemporary artists which more fully utilized the plate employing bold positive relief carving. The unorthodox shape of the hitsuana adds visual appeal to the plate design. The peach is connected to the rim by bar motifs. Comes with a high-quality custom fitted box and tasteful shifuku.

Measurements: 7.1cm x 7.1cm x 0.55cm

Early Edo Period (江戸前期時代), 17th c.



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