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KoKinko Grapes Kozuka_940px

Ko-Kinkō Grapes Kozuka

A kōgai-naoshi kozuka with Kanzan Sato hakogaki .

Late Muromachi Period, 16th century.

KoKinko Kani Kogai_940px

Ko-Kinkō Kani Kōgai

A very early Ko-kinkō kōgai with crab motif.  One of the most widely known and published kōgai, appearing in numerous publications.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

Early Muromachi Period, 15th century.

Kyokinko Gold Chicken Menuki_460px
Kyō-Kinkō Gold Chicken Menuki

Solid gold menuki of parent-child chicken motif

Edo Period, 17th - 18th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

Funada Ikkin Futatokoromono_940px

Funada Ikkin Futatokoro-mono (Fuchi Kashira & Menuki)

Rare set of matching fuchigashira and menuki, by shodai Funada Ikkin.

Edo Period.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

KoGoto Shishi Menuki Stacked_460px
Gotō Shishi Menuki

Mainline Gotō school Shishi menuki, in black shakudo.

Early Edo Period, 17th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

KoMino Plum Kogai_940px

Ko-Mino Kōgai

Early kogai depicting a branch of plum blossoms.

Muromachi Period, late 15th to mid 16th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper to Ko-Mino.

Ko Goto Falconry Kogai_940px

Ko-Gotō Falconry Kōgai

Kogai depicting falconry equipment by the early Gotō school.

Muromachi Period, late 15th to mid 16th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper to Ko-Gotō .

Kokinko Nadeshiko Kogai_940px

Ko-Kinkō Kōgai

Early kogai with floral motif, and liberal application of gold uttori.

Late Muromachi Period, 16th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper to Ko-Kinkō.

KoGoto Hyotan Kozuka_940px

Ko-Gotō Hyōtan Kozuka

A high quality early Gotō school kozuka, with a repurposed decorative plate originally from an early Gotō kōgai.

Late Muromachi Period, 16th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper.

Mino Fuchi Kashira_460px
Mino Fuchigashira

Shakudo fuchi kashira set, with chrysanthemums, choji and karakusa

Edo Period, 17th century.

Ko-Kinkō Menuki of Scroll Weights

Shakudo menuki of a pair of scroll weights, with silver and gold application

Muromachi Period, 16th century.

Ezo Kogai_940px

Ezo Kōgai

Early Ezo kōgai with 5 peony motif.

Early Muromachi Period, 15th century.

Ezo Botan Menuki_940px

Ezo Peony Menuki

Early set of menuki, made from rogin alloy, likely for a koshigatana.

Early to Mid Muromachi Period, 15th century.

Ooka Masatsugu Fuchi Kashira_940px

Fuchigashira by Ōoka Masatsugu

Exceptionally fine example of nanako, by Ōoka Masatsugu.

NBTHK Hozon paper.

Edo Period, early 19th century.

Goto Hotei Menuki Obv Composite_460px
Gotō Hotei Menuki

Solid gold Gotō Hotei menuki. Lots of  detail, overall very pleasant pieces.

Early Edo Period, 17th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper.

Ezo Shishi Menuki_460px
Ezo Shishi Menuki

Large menuki or saya kanagu of two frolicking shishi. Early style and highly expressive.

Early Muromachi Period, 15th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

Goto Shishi Menuki_460px
Gotō Shishi Menuki

Solid gold Gotō school, double Shishi menuki.

Edo Period, 17th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper.

Ko Goto Riding Crop Kogai_940px

Ko-Gotō Riding Crop Kōgai

Kogai depicting a riding crop (horse whip) by the early Gotō school.

Muromachi Period, late 15th to mid 16th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper to Ko-Gotō .

Goto Kojo Dragon Kogai_940px

Gotō jō Kōgai

Kōgai by Kōjō (1529 - 1621), the 4th mainline master of the Gotō school.  Very rare and high quality piece.  Published and ex- Ikeda Suematsu Collection.

Azuchi-Momoyama Period, late 16th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper to Kōjō.

Goto Sochi Fuchi Kashira_940px

Gotō Sōchi Fuchigashira

Charming Gotō school fuchi kashira with motif of 2 haiku poems by Matsuo Basho, one each on fuchi and kashira.

Edo Period, ca. 1800.

NBTHK Hozon paper.

Kaga Goto Dragons_460px
Kaga Gotō Dragon Menuki

Solid gold Kaga Gotō crawling dragon menuki. Excellent detail, very robust.

Early Edo Period, 17th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper.

Goto Sojo Biwa Kogai_940px

Gotō Sōjō Kōgai

Kōgai by Sōjō (1461 - 1538), the 2rd mainline master of the Gotō school.  Excellent quality black shakudo with fortuitous motif.  Published and ex-Tosogu Bijutsukan Museum and Ikeda Suematsu Collection.

Muromachi Period, early 16th century.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper to Sōjō.

Goto Joshin Omoto Kogai_940px

Gotō Jōshin Kōgai

Kōgai by Jōshin (1511 - 1562), the 3rd mainline master of the Gotō school.  Excellent quality black shakudo with fortuitous motif.  Published and ex-Tosogu Bijutsukan Museum and Ikeda Suematsu Collection.

Muromachi Period, mid 16th century.

NBTHK Hozon paper to Jōshin.

Kiri Mon Menuki_Black_460px x 460px
Kiri Mon Menuki

Black shakudo menuki of Go-San-Kiri Mon motif.

Azuchi Momoyama Period, ~1568 - 1600.

Hako Gaki by Dr. Torigoye Kazutaro.




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